Afton Bezanson in "Nine Workers Killed in Hotel Bixby Disaster", The Los Angeles Herald, 10 November 1906, page 1
Nine Workers Killed in Hotel Bixby Disaster
Nine workmen were hurled to death and scores were injured yesterday morning at Long Beach when the central spans of five stories of the Bixby hotel, in course of construction, collapsed, burying the men beneath an avalanche of crumbled concrete, tile and twisted steel.
The damage done as estimated in cash approximates $15,000. The hotel when completed was to cost $750,000.
The collapse of the structure is believed to have been due to the permature [premature?] removal of the wooden forms from concrete columns on the southwest corner of the south wing of the building. Workmen who were in the building at the time state that immediately following the removal of these forms the collapse came. The forms are said to have been taken away within a few hours after the concrete mixture had been poured into them, whereas at least six days are necessary for the proper hardening of the concrete.
As the mighty column tumbled to the panels of the fifth story the hollow tiling floor, which was still "green," heaved beneath the tremendous weight of the debris and crashed downward with the roar of a deluge. The next floor below gave way beneath the burden of concrete and steel and the whole central span collapsed with an awful crash of down rushing concrete and metal.
In the basement at least fifty men were working and the mass of ruins came upon them in an irresistible avalanche, carrying death and destruction.
Father R. M. Ferrer of St. Anthony's church of Long Beach was the first upon the scene of the disaster, and vainly he wandered among the debris hearing the plaintive cries of the living victims as they lay pinned beneath the ruins, yet unable to render them aid, except in solace of words.
Within less than a half hour a large force of men composed of laborers and volunteer business men were working valiantly to rescue the perishing beings beneath the debris. Hundreds of brawny arms pulled at long ropes attached to heavy iron beams and concrete boulders that covered the know of human forms benath [sic], and with a united heave and a lusty ho the formidable
(Continued on Page Two.)