Barry's Funeral Will Be Monday
Barry's Funeral Will Be Monday
Pioneer in Electric Railway Field Stricken At Shore
Burial rites for Joseph A. Barry, pioneer electric railway manager, who died yesterday at Mercer Hospital following an operation, are to be conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Church Home, 77 Prospect Street. Internment with Ivins & Taylor, Inc., directing, will be in Ewing Church Cemetery.
A week ago, Mr. Barry went to Spring Lake for a rest. He had been at the resort but two days when he was stricken. Brought here in an ambulane, he was operated on Tuesday. he made his home at the Barry Court Apartments, 17 Calhoun Street.
Although born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mr. Barry had lived in this country since his boyhood. Twenty-six years ago he came to Trenton, and shortly after became affiliated with the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Traction Company, later known as the Johnson Line, and now the Trenton-Princeton Traction Company. he helped plan the company's activities, and served in the capacity of general manager.
Mr. Barry was an expert in electric railroad engineering, entering the fiel early in life. In addition to his promotion of the Johnson line, Mr. Barry assisted in the development of electric rail transportation facilities in other sections of the country. These duties often took him away from Trenton for long periods. He was one of the builders of the Northern Traction Company, and was instrumental in the construction of a road from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Warsaw, Indiana.
Work was also done by Mr. Barry in the building of the Indiana Northern Traction Company. At one time he was manager of the Jamestown, Chataqua and Lake Erie Traction and Steamship Company.
For many years Mr. Barry was prominent in the affairs of Hopewell TOwnship, making his home on the Pennington Road. He was active in civic activities there, and was former president of the Pennington Road COmmunity Association, which he helped organize.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Carrie O. Barry, and two sons, Hugh R. Barry, of the Pennington Road, manager of the business department of the First-Mechanics National Bank, and Ralph Barry, of New York City, a member of the editorial staff of the Herald-Tribune.